Meet Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion

Who is the Goddess Kuan Yin?

You may have heard of the “Buddhist Virgin Mary,” or seen statues of Kuan Yin before. Kuan Yin (or Guan Yin) is a beautiful figure with kindly eyes. Her image always seems calm and loving in every rendition. She sits on an open lotus flower, sometimes with a jug in her hand and delicate beads around her neck. But what does Kuan Yin represent?

Buddhist legend tells us that Kuan Yin (or Guan Yin) was a princess born to a wealthy family in China thousands of years ago. As a young woman, she awakened to the absolute suffering in the world. She was struck with such compassion that she ran away to a monastery to devote herself to those in need. 

Her cruel father was furious at her decision and ordered his men to track her down and mercilessly behead her. But the princess heard about his horrible plans and was sheltered by the very people she had been so selflessly helping. 

She lived this way, hidden and in service to others, for many years. Then one day, Kuan Yin heard that her father had fallen ill. Despite his cruelty, she returned to the royal palace to nurse him back to health. The princess alone was able to make a successful medicine. She saved her father’s life. 

Humbled by her benevolence, the king begged his daughter’s forgiveness. As a grand and public apology, he ordered statues of her to be placed across the kingdom. As legend has it, even after Kuan Yin died she wanted to help others. 

Her love and compassion for the needy were so great that we wanted to continue to help, even after death. She chose the path of a bodhisattva, a being that has put off entering paradise to help others attain Enlightenment. You can call on her support whenever you need her.

How to Connect with Kuan Yin

First off, you need to decide what area of your life you want support from Kuan Yin. She can show up for you as a general guide, but it is helpful to narrow down where you want help.  

According to the law of attraction, the more specific you are with your desires, the more likely you are to draw them into your life. Also, you have free will, and a bodhisattva will never help you unless you ask it! 

Take some time to decide what area of your life you want help in. Visualize your ideal outcome in that situation. And first and foremost, start with an attitude of gratitude towards Kuan Yin for her love and support!

Kuan Yin Will Support You in Your Relationships

Relationships are one of the main areas where Kuan Yin loves to connect with you. Remember, Kuan Yin is all about the energies of the feminine and the mother. She will help bring in nurturing, self-love and compassion. All of the things that you need to deal with in your relationships!

It’s helpful to add an image of Kuan Yin to the area of your home or work where you’re experiencing struggles with someone. Write down the outcome you wish to see in that relationship and place it under her statue or behind her picture.

It can be something like, “I want to experience more love for…” “I want to understand the viewpoint of…” “I want to be more gracious with…” Make sure that you are asking Kuan Yin for the best and most loving outcome in a situation. Remember, she’s not here to support your feelings of vengeance and anger. The purpose of Kuan Yin is love and healing. 

Kuan Yin Will Support You in Finding Your Purpose

Kuan Yin is all about becoming more heart-focused. If you’re feeling lost and lacklustre in your career or life path, then Kuan Yin is the Deity to call! She will help you focus on what your heart desires and how you can use your purpose to support others. 

A great way to bring her into finding a new direction in this area is to add her likeness into your exploration practice. (See How To Find Your Purpose) For example, if you’re exploring new career ideas, glue an image of her to the outside of your journal (or even your laptop!

Every time you write about or research your new ideas, say a prayer asking for her guidance. Write down in your journal all the concepts for your new path in life. If something makes your heart feel open when you write it, follow that guidance! 

Kuan Yin Will Support You in Your Health

Kuan Yin is all about unity and well-being, and that includes your body! She wants to support you in being healthy because a healthy body is your fullest expression. She is also the bodhisattva of compassion, which is required when we’re struggling with our bodies. 

The center of your home is the locus of its energy which makes it connected to your entire life. Place an image of Kuan Yin in the center of your home. Add a photo of yourself when you felt the healthiest and the most vibrant. Meditate on how beautiful it will feel when you’re that healthy again. 

You can also carry a small image or statue on your person. Whenever you experience pain or discomfort you can touch the item. Say a prayer to Kuan Yin that you release these feelings into her care. 

Kuan Yin Will Help You In Ways You Don’t Expect

Kuan Yin is there for us, even when we’re unsure why we need her. We don’t always know the best outcome of a particular situation, which is why it’s amazing to have the Divine support of someone who loves us unconditionally! 

You can connect with Kuan Yin as your guardian angel. She can bring in serendipity, helpful people and the best possible solution. She helps us show up in the world with grace and compassion, reminding us that love is the purpose of our lives. 

One of the best ways to connect with Kuan Yin is to meditate on her daily. You can place her image on your altar or mediation space. Let her know that you accept her support in whatever area she decides. Meditate on her qualities of love, compassion and grace. Think of ways you can add more of that into your life.  

You Are Not Alone

It is easy to get lost in feelings of helplessness and despair in our lives. But you are never alone!! There are always Divine Beings that love you unconditionally that you can reach. 

Kuan Yin stayed in the sphere of Earth so that she could be a support to humanity. She loves you, and she’s there for you. If you’re ever feeling lost and alone, in need of love, or wanting movement through a difficulty, reach out! 

Kuan Yin will happily be there for you any moment you need her.